Thursday, May 3, 2012

Comic Reviews (And Small Town Blues)

Went to Hastings yesterday to check out the new comics. Living in a small town with no comic story in thirty miles really sucks, I have got to say. No copies of Stormwatch or (major heartbreaker) Dial H in the store. Le sigh. Still, I did get my hands on some new releases from Marvel and DC, so this is what I have read...

Avengers vs. X-Men #3 (Marvel). This series has been a real stinker to me, a major letdown. It is like a Michael Bay movie, pretty to look at, but the story is just scattershot and almost nonsensical. The Captain America and Wolverine (sorry if that is a spoiler to you, but it has been available all over the web) was right out of left-field, and really didn't make much sense. Also the preview that was released to comic review sites was the last few pages of the story, so i already knew what happened at the end before reading it. The whole story so far is just a mess, and seems like some sort of bad fan fiction written by a fourteen year old who just wanted an excuse to have the two teams duke it out without really thinking much through.

Earth 2 #1 (DC). While we are on the bad fan fic theme, I might was well head here. While this certainly isn't the mess that AvX is, it wasn't particularly good either. To me, a first issue should be there to hook you into the characters you are going to be reading about in the series, make you want to care about them. You don't get that here. Instead, you get a story that is mostly set in the past about this world's version of the DC Trinity, with some little spots thrown in for the characters of another series which debuted this week. For a series to start out like DC's decompressed version of Marvel's alternative Ultimate Universe 'Ultimatum' (a storyline reviled by many the comic reader) is not a good thing. This comic is going to have to do a lot with the second issue to make me care.

Nicola Scott's art sure was pretty though, but this seems to be a bad theme with the Big Two these days-the comics sure do look pretty, but the stories are severely lacking, decompressed so reading individual issues over trades are a waste of time, and issues filled with all flash, and very little substance.

Teen Titans Annual #1 (DC). This comic was a mess. The villain is boring and generic. The storyline is straight out of snoresville-heroic teams forced to fight each other. Blah, blah, blah. I had really hoped that this reboot would improve the Titans, and infuse some much needed life into this stale franchise.


Venom #17 (Marvel). Right now, this is my favorite Marvel universe series, hands down. The art is pretty and fits the character and flavor of this series to a t. The antagonists are interesting, as is the main character. The whole thing is very action-filled and fast-paced, and suits this title perfectly. Most of all, this series is very entertaining t read, something I think is missing in mainly of the Big two titles today. if you are not reading this title, you are really missing out.

Meh, that is it, for now, but later I will get around to the non-big two stuff, after I get to reading my Mind The Gap and Superbia issues, but I am a busy feller at the moment, so that is for a later day this week.

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